Macintosh (Continues…)

Inside Macintosh, Volume I, page I-10
“The routines available for use in Macintosh programs are divided according to function, into what are in most cases called “managers” of the feature they support. … Most are part of either the Operating System or the User Interface Toolbox and are in the Macintosh ROM.
“The Operating System is at the lowest level; it does basic tasks such as input and putput, memory management, and interrupt handling. The User Interface Toolbox is a level above the Operating System; it helps you implement the standard Macintosh user interface in your application. The Toolbox calls the Operating System to do low-level operations. …
“RAM-based software is available as well. In most cases this software performs specialized operations (such as floating-point arithmetic) that aren’t integral to the user interface but may be useful to some applications.” —Inside Macintosh, Volume I, page I-9
“The Macintosh User Interface Toolbox provides a simple means of constructing application programs that conform to the standard Macintosh user interface. By offering a common set of routines that every application calls to implement the user interface, the Toolbox not only ensures familiarity and consistency for the user but also helps reduce the application’s code size and development time. At the same time, it allows a great deal of flexibility: An application can use its own code instead of a Toolbox call wherever appropriate, and can define its own types of windows, menus, controls, and desk accessories.

“Figure 2 [below] shows the various parts of the Toolbox in rough order of their relative level. There are many interconnections between these parts; the higher ones often call those at the lower levels.” —Inside Macintosh, Volume I, page I-9





“To keep the data of an application separate from its code, making the data easier to modify and easier to share among applications, the [Macintosh User Interface] Toolbox includes the Resource Manager. The Resource Manager lets you, for example, store menus separetly from your code so that they can be edited or translated without requiring recompilation of the code. It also allows you to get standard data, such as the I-beam pointer for inserting text, from a shared system file. When you call other parts of the Toolbox that need access to the data, they call the Resource Manager. Although most applications never need to call the Resource Manager directly, an understanding of the concepts behind it is essential because they’re basic to so many other operations.” —Inside Macintosh, Volume I, page I-9

“Graphics are an important part of every Macintosh application. All graphic operations on the Macintosh are performed by QuickDraw. To draw something on the screen, you’ll often call one of the other parts of the [Macintosh User Interface] Toolbox, but it will in turn call QuickDraw. You’ll also call QuickDraw directly, usually to draw inside a window, or just to set up constructs like rectangles that you’ll need when making other Toolbox calls. QuickDraw’s underlying concepts, like those of the Resource Manager, are important for you to understand.” —Inside Macintosh, Volume I, page I-11