Add your signature to outgoing emails

Sign your Emails

With Outlook open: 

1) Click Tools, then Options and then select the 'Mail Format' tab in the options window that opens. 

2) Click 'Signature Picker' and select New in the ‘signature picker’ window that appears. 

3) The 'create new signature' window opens. Enter a name for the new signature you are creating. 

4) Select the 'Start with blank Signature' button and click Next. 

5) In the ‘edit signature’ window that opens, enter the text for your signature, as you want it to appear. 

6) Click Finish to close this window, then click OK to close the ‘signature picker’ window. 

7) You are now back at the options window. Click on the 'use this signature by default' drop-down box and select the name of the signature you just created in step three. 

8) Click OK. 

Every new e-mail message you write will have the signature text in it when you first open it.