Security Risks On Internet

Some users exploit the internet through the criminal behaviors and other harmful practices.  These users are known as hackers and intruders. Hackers and online attackers use the stealth tactics and to attack on the online computer users.   There are number of potential threats on the internet such as hackers, viruses, spyware, adware, Trojan horses, web worms and malware.  The following list will help you to better understand the internet security risks and the solutions to avoid it.

A hacker is a person who breaks into the computer and network security of the online computer users. Hacking is an act of exploiting the vulnerabilities of the operating system without the user’s notice.


A computer virus is a piece of code or a self-replicating, malicious software program that exploit the computer by attacking on it.  Computer viruses are specifically designed to perform a number of harmful effects from annoying to destroying. There are different types of the computer viruses and the most dangerous viruses can crash your computer’s hard disk and motherboard.  A most common way of spreading the viruses is through emails.  A computer once attacked by the viruses can quickly spread the viruses to all other connected computers.


A spyware is a privacy invading program that is designed to steal the personal and confidential from the computer users.  Spyware can be delivered in a variety of ways including being attached with the legitimate software.


Adware is an advertising-supporting program that automatically downloads, displays and performs at the user’s computer who downloads the adware-supported software.


Malware is malicious software or a program such as viruses and spyware that is designed to damage or disrupt the computer system. The other types of the malware are Trojan horses, logic bombs, popups and spam.


Trojan is a destructive program that is contained in the harmless program and gets control of all programs. Like the viruses the Trojan do not replicate itself. Trojan can redistribute itself as the part of the computer viruses.  There are different types of the Trojans like remote access Trojans, destructive Trojans, proxy Trojans, FTP Trojans and denial-of-service (DOS) Trojans.


Phishing is an act of tricking someone by emails to steal the confidential and personal information.


A keylogger is a malicious program that is secretly installed on your computer to record the keys that you type on your keyboard.  Keyloggers are used to collect the secret and personal information such as user name, password, credit card information and others.  Once the data is collected it can be transferred to the destination by the variety of ways.

Security Vulnerabilities and Threats

  • File sharing applications.
  • Instant messaging
  • Windows Remote Access services
  • Web servers and services
  • SQL Injections.
  • Weak Passwords
  • Outdate antivirus and anti spyware programs.

The above mentioned security risks are the biggest threats for every online user. Following solutions can help you to protect your data, privacy and identity on the internet. 

Security Solutions

  • Install an up-to-dated antivirus program on your computer.
  • Install anti spyware program.
  • Install and configure software or hardware firewall on your gateway computer.
  • Update your operating system regularly by installing latest security patches and hot fixes.
  • Encryption your data while transmitting over the internet.
  • Never open an email attachment from the unauthorized source.
  • Never download a software program from the websites who has no integrity.
  • Do not open any website links that you receive through the messenger programs from known users.